Pay Claim 2024

RBG Pay scales as of 2023
RBG payscales 2023 (1).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [84.5 KB]
NJC Pay Spine 2024 /2025 with % offer
London Pay Spines 2024 w NJC Final Pay O[...]
Microsoft Excel sheet [39.7 KB]
NJC Pay Claim 2024-2025
Main headline of claim :
• An increase of at least £3,000 or 10% (whichever is greater) on all spinal column points
This has been put to the employer side and the trade unions are awaiting a response we believe this may come after the May elections and as soon as we are made aware of any updates will share with our members who are under the NJC pay bands.
NJC Pay Claim 2024-25.docx
Microsoft Word document [332.0 KB]
NJC Pay scales for 2023
Pay Agreement GLPC letter Nov23.docx
Microsoft Word document [85.0 KB]
Update on NJC Pay claim 2023
Current status
NJC email update (September).docx
Microsoft Word document [115.0 KB]
NJC Pay claim 2023
Copy of London Pay Spines _ Branch Info.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [190.9 KB]
NJC Pay Offer London 2022
London Leaflet_NJC Pay 2022-2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [523.3 KB]
London Pay Scales 2021
This is backdated to 1st April 2021
GLPC London Pay Agreements 2021.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [277.6 KB]
2020 Branch Consultation on NJC pay claim
Adobe Acrobat document [500.6 KB]
2020 NJC pay claim Economic Background
Adobe Acrobat document [364.1 KB]
2020 Pay
New pay arrangements for Greater London, please look at figures for Outer London
2020 GLPC Circular London Pay Arrangemen[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [258.6 KB]

Pay rates 2018-20

2018-20 Pay in £'s and %'s for the top spine point for all pay scales up to PO9
Pay Offer 2018-20.xlsx
Microsoft Excel sheet [10.8 KB]
Current Pay 2018-20
All Spine Points/Grades
Pay Offer 2018-20 ALL.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [122.9 KB]

Pay Rates 2016-18

Please find breakdown of NJC Accepted Pay offer 2016 - 2018
NJC Offer 2016-18.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [268.3 KB]

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Woolwich Town Hall

Wellington St


SE18 6PW



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07425 360008


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