Welcome to Greenwich UNISON

                        NJC PAY OFFER  2024

Voting closes 28th June, Have your say on the pay offer! 


What we asked for:

£3,000 or 10% which ever is greater on all spine points

In addition:

£15 per hour minimum, no later that 2026

Reviews on equalities pay gaps

Two hour reduction in the working week

Additional day of annual leave

What the employer side have offered:

An increase of £1,290 on all spine points (that’s the full time equivalent, if you are part time or term time only you will get less.

In addition

Rejected our demands for shorter working week, extra day of leave and £15 an hour minimum rate by 2026

Offered to hold pay gap discussions

Re committed to review pay spines


For someone on a scale 2 this equates to 5.77% and decreases the higher your pay is so someone on a scale 10 this equates to 5.05%!


My UNISON - Login Page update your details here. 


Check what the pay offer means for you by using this calculator :

Calculator - UNISON (unisonpaycalculator.co.uk)


Have your say and vote on pay ! follow this link to vote now - voting closes on the 28th June 


Council and School Pay Consultation 2024 | UNISON National

Reorganisation and assimailation list issues please check under the RBG tab for further information.

Hello current and new members! 
Welcome to our website
We are based at Woolwich Town Hall due circumstances visits to the office are by appointment only.
Use the headed tabs above to see infomation on specfic topics.

Advice, support and help when you need it at work.


We have a network of trained local advisors and negotiators who will provide you with help at work when you need it most, as well as professional legal advisors and experts when appropriate.
Branch Officer Contact Details:
Simon Steptoe (Monday-Thursday)
Branch Secretary
Jay Lowman
Assistant Branch Secretary Royal Borough of Greenwich
Clara Mason (Term time only )
Assistant Branch Secretary Schools and Colleges
Jamie Breen
Birchmere Convenor
Elaine O'Flynn
Branch Health and Safety officer 
0772315485 elaine@greenwichunison.org.uk 
Tracey Woolley (Tuesday-Thursday-Term Time only)
Recruitmet and Retention
Representation for catering and cleaning 
Linda Delieu (Monday-Wednesday)
Recruitment and Retention Officer
Contact for members working in the Private Sector, such as Private Care Homes and Voluntary Sector Organisations
Admin, membership and General Enquiries
Pauline Revell-Bowles (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday)
Office Administrator and ERA accredited Rep

You can join Unison On-line here: http://www.joinunison.org/

If you need UNISON help or information fast and can’t contact your union rep or branch, UNISONdirect can help.


Helpline open until midnight

0800 0 857 857

Lines are open from 6am to midnight on Monday to Friday and 9am to 4pm on Saturday. Outside these times, you can leave an answerphone message or fill in the online form and UNISONdirect will call you back.

We can also be contact by textphone on 0800 0 967 968 (freephone).

We are located at:

Woolwich Town Hall

Wellington St


SE18 6PW



Contact us today!

If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us:


07425 360008



or write to;



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